Managing and monitoring employees in the field will always be a challenge, in recent days many businesses are offering delivery or in-home services by sending their work force to their customers’ place. In this scenario smart mobile devices with the service team plays a vital role. The installation of a mobile app with tracking features, which have ever-expanding options for checking the status of employee and tracking their real time location makes it very efficient. Workforce management app assimilates and relays data swiftly, engage customers and back office teams to know their whereabouts in real-time, additionally this will save money and time in documenting the progress as it happens.
The field force management mobile app for iphone, ipad and Android devices help sales, or service teams to manage their tasks and optimize their time on the road. This fast-paced mobility solution is noteworthy for producing better-informed employees and increased productivity. These mobile communication devices are now critical in both the business and consumer world. However, it is the advancement of mobile technologies and GPS that is providing benefits to all sorts of businesses.
By making use of volatile applications in smart phones, smartly helps business people in many ways like effectively planning the travelling routes taken by their field executives, and also it affords facilities to plan the smart and easier way to adapt for travelling by maintaing it on the hand.
Benefits of using smart phones to manage service teams
- Managers can view when their service team starts work and completes work and can assess the planned Vs scheduled details
- Provisions to streamline appointments integrated with maps to send the Service teams / Field force to customer location
- Plan appointments and routes directly from the mobile device
- On-time trip details, mileage tracking for on-field working force
To learn more and to know more about Field Force Management Apps which could increase profit to your business? Contact us now…..